
Showing posts from October, 2017

Ultra Zenith's Mukhayyam Ilmi

A few weeks ago, we, Ultra Zenith batch (does it sounds funny?) went to Star Fresh Agropark for our 'Perkampungan Ilmu' or 'Mukhayyam Ilmi' or whatsoever you wanna call it. It was a day we were looking forward after so many hard works before we finally made it happened, alhamdulillah. So went there by a bus as early as 7.00 a.m !! We arrived there less than half an hour later, yup it was only a stone throw away duhh.  Baqi as the Chief Director for this event gave some speech before we started the first session.  We only revised Pengajian Am and Arabic Language to focus on. Some quizzes were held besides tackling the questions technique. We even sang our theme song which was Standing In The Eyes of The World by Ella, well just to make the experience more fun. Everyone enjoyed singing that song even no one hardly knew the lyrics. All the food provided was tip top, I got to say! Asyik and I as the food committee went to check the food before everyone got t