Sandwiched Weeks
I just got home from hostel yesterday, because the last three weeks had been one of the most stressful and chaotic weeks for me and friends. So, the first week - We had trial exams just after a long break. Who could have imagine that ? I did not even touch any book ! But, dudes out there, tell you what, last minute study was and always will be my style. Long live last minute students ! So we had five subjects and the examination was just in four day time. Thank God. Second week - Right after the exam, I had to go to netball practices again every evening. (yeah I know, I had never involved in any curricular activities before) I joined my school's netball team not willingly, but to re-coordinate my excessive fats so that they don't grow too fast, just fyi. We had Sports Carnival held only for the Pra-Uni Programme so we competed with the other schools and we LOSE ! It's not a shock really, I had to say, but dude just look at the other team they were so fast so active ...