Sandwiched Weeks

I just got home from hostel yesterday, because the last three weeks had been one of the most stressful and chaotic weeks for me and friends.

So, the first week - We had trial exams just after a long break. Who could have imagine that ? I did not even touch any book ! But, dudes out there, tell you what, last minute study was and always will be my style. Long live last minute students ! So we had five subjects and the examination was just in four day time. Thank God.

Second week - Right after the exam, I had to go to netball practices again every evening. (yeah I know, I had never involved in any curricular activities before) I joined my school's netball team not willingly, but to re-coordinate my excessive fats so that they don't grow too fast, just fyi. We had Sports Carnival held only for the Pra-Uni Programme so we competed with the other schools and we LOSE ! It's not a shock really, I had to say, but dude just look at the other team they were so fast so active that we did not even had the time to look at the cute guys while playing netball. It really was a great experience for me and my team.

Third week - We organised a festival to collect some money for our next and last programme. After all the hard work ( starting from the paper work making, getting rejected, doing it again, being accepted finally, dividing groups into games, food and movies, calling the food trucks, managing the banners and flyers, inviting other schools, decorating the whole school with flags and balloons, until the day comes ) it kinda paid off. Well not really, because my team who did most of the works while the other team being bossy ( puke, puke ) asking us to do this and that. The whole day was a lot of fun, parents and kids coming around, intriguing food to be chose and fun games to be played. We were glad that the day has finally came and it went so well thank God again.

Here's some photos of my friends and me to look at:

being around with best people made us forget the hell in the world,yes?

with the best yet problematic friends ever !!

sneaked out to buy and eat some food when there were no people coming

that's the banner we worked hard for

the happy but exhausted face after the festival

we went for crazy posing when we are tires, you know
When the events finally end, I was glad for all the littlest things happened, for they happened for some reasons, aren't they? Even though my skin got burnt being exposed too long in the sun and peeled themselves for I did not take a good care of them, I was grateful that mum still recognised me when she picked me at school.


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