Trip to Lumut : Unnexpected Things

On 28th of November, we (our family excluding kakak and abang) went to Lumut, Perak for our short and unplanned (like always) vacation. But on that day, I actually had a History paper for my repeat exam. So, after the smoov and alhamdulillah quite easy one and a half hour, my parents fetched me at school and head to Lumut straight away pheww.

One last shot with my girlfriends

And this special korean mix java girl

Some supportive friends actually came and 'celebrate' us after the exam

So, I still wore the same baju kurung, the same kasut sekolah, the same tudung labuh along the way before we stopped at Elmina R&R. Ibu kinda laughed at me and said " Looks like an ustajah is travelling today." *eyes roll up

At 7.00 p.m, we FINALLY arrived at our hotel. The long journey made us suffer in the car with non-stop rain and back aches. The condition of the hotel room, is........ pathetic! Abah might choose the cheapest room, I mean it has poor tv, poor sink but no towels ? That's not one of the package for sure. We were shivering like hell, feeling fatigue and we had to wait for the room service boy to send us towels. But when he showed up, he only brought two, it weren't enough ! We had FOUR of us. The hotel management is heartbreaking  I had to say. So, abah asked us to go out to but NEW TOWELS. I was so lazy so tired so I asked my mom can I go out with pajamas only ? Thanks God she approved. I couldn't imagine myself wearing a short sleeve t-shirt with a striking orange sweater to cover, marble patterned seluar tido and a super simple shawl (like really simple I just selempang kiri kanan just like that) But duhh who cares when you are a tourist ( lah sangat) and it was night already. 

I love my pajamas kakak bought for me !

Dad at the hotel lobby

Did I told you the area got no internet coverage ????!! Yes they DON'T have it. I only could open my Whatsapp and Instagram after we reached the town. I never believe some people said they cannot live without internet, but now, I feel you man. 

The next day, we went out to have breakfast and visited some interesting place. Well not that intersting actually hahahaha because yeah we visited Lumut just two years back. I still remember the kedai tepi jalan we had lunch on our first visit. #liardetected 

We visited an old war ship replica, which i forgot and never knew its name. It was instagram-worthy spot where you can take pictures on the ship, inside the ship and even at the runaway to the ship #thatinteresting. I enjoyed exploring the whole ship, well not entirely because it was SUPER HUGE man ! Abah explained about the deck, the crews, how they sleep and eat, how the captain managed his ship crews blablabla. I wondered if abah actually worked as a captain before. #nowayyyy After the visit, it gave me some thoughts how the captain and crews lived in a narrow ways in the ship, how they slept in a very small bed, how they managed to survive when they miss their moms and dads. Pheeww, #toughlife

Husband and wife goals ?

Okay now look to your right

Dad I wanna take a picture of you. A hipster one.

Finally ibu came and save the picture of the day

Told ya it was an instagram-worthy spot besides it was quite cloudy

I requested to visit Segari Turtle Sanctuary. It was exciting at first because I started imagining I played with the babies, feed them, send them back to the sea while crying. But none of that happen. HOW SAAADDDD ! The turtles are put in a few pools according to their species. The babies were put in seperated pool and caged. I was quite disappointed I couldn't do what I imagined. But it's okay, at least I got to see the turtles :')

Cute aren't they?

I sat on its neck because they wont let me touch their babies

The hatching area

On the last day, were unexpected things happened. 

At 3.00 a.m, I woke up after hearing Irfan said we had to go back now because the company called dad and it was urgent. BUT IT WASN'T. Our room was filled with dirt came out of nowhere, our luggage were wet, the sejadah and telekung also. Then we knew the rain didn't stop from the evening and the water level rose up and took place in our room which was at the ground level. And it was still raining outside. Dad went to the receptionist to change room but there was nine left dum dam dum dam I slept back and it was already 5.30 a.m. Dad asked us to shower and we had to pray at the mosque since our room was dirty and full of water (well, not that full just ankle high).

Our day was unlucky as the road also, had waters bergenang on them and trees tumbang sujud menyembah bumi. So we went back to our hotel room and somehow, ibu managed to find a pair of telekung and we prayed on the bed. Yes, on the bed. #darurat

The condition of the road at 6.00 a.m

Worsen at 8.00 a.m

We continued our journey to home after breakfast and shopped some ikan bilis as souvenirs hahahhhaha.


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